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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - harden


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Перевод с английского языка harden на русский

1) твердеть; отверждать(ся) 2) повышать прочность; упрочнять(ся) 3) закаливать(ся); принимать закалку 4) задубливать(ся); дубить 5) текст. свойлачивать(ся)
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См. в других словарях

  1) делаться твердым 2) закаливать 3) закалять 4) закаляться 5) закаменеть 6) заскорузнуть 7) зацементировать 8) матереть 9) отвердевать 10) отвердить 11) отверждать 12) твердеть 13) укреплять 14) цементировать - harden steel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. делать твердым, придавать твердость frost hardened the water of the puddles into ice —- вода в лужах замерзла (и превратилась в лед) 2. укреплять to harden a bolt in its place —- закрепить болт he hardened his hold on the doorknob —- он еще крепче схватился за ручку двери 3. затвердевать, делаться твердым, твердеть his expression hardened —- его лицо стало суровым 4. делать выносливым, закалять, укреплять to harden troops —- закалять войска to harden smb. against (to) the cold —- приучать кого-л. к холоду life in the mountains hardened me —- жизнь в горах закалила меня 5. становиться выносливым, закаляться to harden to labour —- привыкнуть к труду to harden to the view —- укрепиться во мнении he hardened into a warrior —- он приобрел закалку (выносливость) воина 6. делать бесчувственным, бессердечным; ожесточать to harden smb.'s heart —- ожесточить кого-л. to harden one's heart —- стать бесчувственным (бессердечным); ожесточаться to be hardened in heart —- ожесточиться, озлобиться 7. становиться бесчувственным, бессердечным; ожесточаться his personality hardened over the years —- с годами он ожесточился 8. ком. повышаться (о ценах) 9. ком. стабилизироваться (о рынке, о ценах) the market hardened —- рынок стабилизировался 10. придавать жесткость (воде) 11. становиться жестким (о воде) 12. закалять to harden steel —- закалить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) делать(ся) твердым; твердеть, застывать  2) закалять(ся), укреплять(ся)  3) делать(ся) бесчувственным, ожесточать(ся) - hardened criminal  4) tech. закалять(ся); цементировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become hard or harder. 2 intr. & tr. become, or make (one's attitude etc.), uncompromising or less sympathetic. 3 intr. (of prices etc.) cease to fall or fluctuate. Phrases and idioms harden off inure (a plant) to cold by gradual increase of its exposure. Derivatives hardener n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. biographical name Sir Arthur 1865-1940 English chemist  II. biographical name Maximilian 1861-1927 originally Felix Ernst Witkowski German writer HARDEN  verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to make hard or harder  2. to confirm in disposition, feelings, or action; especially to make callous ~ed his heart  3.  a. inure, toughen ~ troops  b. to inure to unfavorable environmental conditions (as cold) — often used with off ~ off seedlings before transplanting  4. to protect from blast, heat, or radiation (as by a thick barrier or placement underground)  intransitive verb  1. to become hard or harder  2.  a. to become firm, stable, or settled  b. to assume an appearance of harshness or severity her face ~ed at the thought  3. to become gradually acclimatized to unfavorable conditions — often used with off plants ~ed off before the first frost ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hardens, hardening, hardened) 1. When something hardens or when you harden it, it becomes stiff or firm. Mould the mixture into shape while hot, before it hardens... Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it. VERB: V, V n 2. When an attitude or opinion hardens or is hardened, it becomes harsher, stronger, or fixed. Their action can only serve to harden the attitude of landowners... The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation. VERB: V n, V • hardening ...a hardening of the government’s attitude towards rebellious parts of the army. N-SING: usu N of n 3. When prices and economies harden, they become much more stable than they were. Property prices are just beginning to harden again. VERB: V 4. When events harden people or when people harden, they become less easily affected emotionally and less sympathetic and gentle than they were before. Her years of drunken bickering hardened my heart... All of a sudden my heart hardened against her. VERB: V n, V against n 5. If you say that someone’s face or eyes harden, you mean that they suddenly look serious or angry. His smile died and the look in his face hardened. VERB: V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to become firm or stiff, or to make something firm or stiff  (Make sure you give the paint enough time to dry and harden.) 2 to become more strict and determined and less sympathetic  (Opposition to the military regime has hardened since the massacres. | a hardening of attitudes | His face hardened.)  (- compare soften (4)) 3 if an experience hardens someone, it makes them stronger and more able to deal with difficult or unpleasant situations 4 hardened criminal/police officer etc a criminal, etc who has had a lot of experience of things that are shocking and is therefore less affected by them 5 become hardened towards/to to become used to something shocking because you have seen it many times 6 harden your heart to make yourself not feel pity or sympathy for someone ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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